Spark*l Donates $3,677 to Global Teen Challenge

Courtney Bonzi, Founder of Spark*l Bands
For the month of February, we dedicated the Band Together to Global Teen Challenge. Global Teen Challenge is a non-profit organization helping find freedom from life controlling addiction since 1958.
Our Band Together program allows us to donate a portion of the proceeds from a newly designed band, that supports a different charity each month.
I chose this organization during my birthday month, because it's near and dear to my heart. Addiction not only impacts those who are personally challenged with it but also their family and friends. Global Teen Challenge has over 1,400 centers in 129 nations around the globe. With 7 people dying every minute, Global Teen Challenge's mission is "to give people around the world a second chance at finding a healthy and fulfilled addiction-free life." They believe that "compassion and determination can transform nations one person at a time", let us band together to give these individuals and their families hope.

These bands are available until they sell out and can be found as